Advent is the beginning of the Church's liturgical year and a season of preparation and penance that reminds us of Christ's birth as well as His second coming at the end of time. There are many resources to help you prepare your hearts and minds as a community, as a family, and as an individual.
Perhaps the call of Pope Francis to “cling to the cross of Christ,” which is our only true anchor in the storms of life, is part of the answer. We are called to be “Pilgrims of Hope” in the darkest moments.
The people of upper East Tennessee near the North Carolina border are working to piece their lives back together amid the devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene. And the Catholic parishes of this region have joined together in leading disaster-relief efforts as communities suddenly found themselves without water, communications, basic necessities, and even roads to access critical assistance.
Catholic Charities of East Tennessee provides assistance in emergencies through its operations network and is ready to work with individuals and communities in need.